- mod chips
- 3.71m33-4 try it out
- PSP Pandora Battery
- Modbo 4.0 diagram needed for GH-061-042 board please
- PSP games on a PS3 ???
- GH-062-02 Modbo4 pic
- Time Baby V9 for PSP (Stopwatch Mode)
- My PS3 Laser Gone.
- Laser fix
- PSP Media Manager 2.5 for free
- PSP with USB HD ! Woot !
- slim ps2 scph-77002 fuse
- ps3 chip
- Time Baby V10 - Moonrise/Moonset Calc
- ulimtate memory stick, just a standard MS with files right?
- Q> buying ps3....
- PS2 boot using Dev 2 with Modbo4
- ps2 laser cleaner
- Ps2 Mod
- PSP-PSX Exploit
- Modbo 4.0 in 79002
- Which PS2
- Pointless Pacman V1 (PSP Phat)
- PSP:Fixing drnffffffd7 Error :(
- DTMF Dial V1 for Sony PSP
- to mod or a modder?
- Vista unable to locate driver for PSP
- slim psp upgrade
- Toshiba Helps Sony Cut PS3 Production Costs
- Time Baby V12c - MP3 Player
- Another "My PS2 will not play backed up games" Thread
- Psp Face plate removal
- PS3 Yellow light of Death / 3 Beeps of Death
- PS3 Not ps2 compatible
- PS3 Media Server types ???
- PS3 and compatable USB storage devices ???
- Playstation 1 or psone
- Laser Module or Spindle for 77002 PStwo
- PSP 1002 Unmodded Firmware 3.11 problems
- ps2 modchip
- Best price for PS3 Console
- PS3 controller help
- ps2 backups media
- Streaming Movies To The ps3
- God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)
- PS3 online games.. who wants to play with me...
- Time Baby V13e for Sony PSP
- ps3 and firmware update 2.10
- ps3 blueray remote 1/2 price!!!
- Time Baby V14 for Sony PSP
- Best 'must have' PS3 game - utilizing full H/W features
- Ps3 60bg Bulk Buy!!!
- Ps2 hard drive??
- A psp song
- overseas ps2 network adaptor
- PS3 portable
- PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Pack
- ps 3 160gb coming to oz end of aug
- PS3 1080i vs 1080p
- Pandora`s Battery
- Bad News about GTA 4
- ps2 What laser do i have ?
- Playstation Forum Guidelines
- Logitech Bluetooth Headset
- Streaming a DVD .iso image to PS3??
- PS3 and AVI files on USB Stick
- PS3 Drive Wont Accept Discs
- MapThis! 0.5.20 for PSP Modified Version
- PS3 power supply
- VGA vs Component
- PS3 - GT5 Prologue Download .vs Blueray?
- PS3 Firmware 2.35
- Whats the PS3 blu-ray region?
- Are PS3 Blu-Ray drives interchangeble?
- Which chip for SCPH-90002
- 39002 not spinning up probs
- PS2 power supply ok for PS1?
- Ok, hands up. Who's clicked the PS3 Banner
- Chip Location
- PSP wont boot
- ps3 guitar hero controller question
- PSP Custom
- Memento Firmware
- $11 Pandora Battery.
- PS2 Lazer
- PS3 Firmware 2.36
- Car Racing
- 120gb ps3 for Ozzie
- PS3 Bundle Metal Gear Solid 4
- firmware slim
- Help with modded psp
- ps3 2.40 update 2 july
- Bricked Psp (corrupted vsh) (4.01 m33-2)
- 3.40 Oe-a What Next ?
- ps2 HD limit?
- PS3 will not read any discs??
- ps3 backups
- Fuse diagram needed for GH 051 - 12 mobo please
- Blazing Angels 2
- Power Adaptor
- Soft mod for PSone
- need repair for PS2 in Brisbane?
- i need vsh files for 4.01 m33
- PS3 2.41 firmware update, warning
- how's your power bill?
- PS2 and TV problem!
- I Got a PS3. What next?
- need a new analog stick
- Help required for an absolute PSP noob
- PS3 Firmware 2.42....
- PSP noob neeading some advice and help
- PS2 Acknowledges disc format but won't load
- Call of Duty 4 online...
- PS3 Chip
- PSP games around
- ps3 hdd tray...
- PSP Wont Turn On or Charge
- PSP lost memory card 3.40oe What Files
- psp question... is it possiable?
- ps2 question
- psp mod
- Solder & Rework flux - Whats OK?
- PSP Firmware
- PS3 Hard Drive update
- psp mem pro duo adapter
- Copying Blu-Ray
- SXX on PS3 ???
- Psp Help
- PS2 Clicking noises
- What type of PS3 should I buy?
- PSP-3000 Mods?
- Yellow PSP Question
- PS2 Slim
- PSP Laser Invaders (laser controlled game!)
- Play tv Ps3??
- Problems connecting to PS3 Online Gaming
- Pandora Battery Question
- Modbo 4 Help
- PS3 not working on rear projection tv
- PS3 Deals?
- CFW Help
- Jap PS3 likes early discs but not 2008 ones????
- PS1 Mad Catz steering wheel
- Buying stuff fromt he US PS3 Store ?
- Problematic PS3
- PSP 1002 - X Button not working
- PS3 - 2 discs
- replacing lcd screen on psp, broke clip
- Need you help here please guys
- Flashing a PS3 With new Firmware?
- PS3 used as media gate?
- Are you an installer?
- Another "my ps2 will not spin up disks" Thread
- Turn off PS3 wireless controller
- scph-70002 burnt laser
- PSP Game auto firmware updates?????
- PSP UMD won't 'hold' when inserted
- PSP no power
- Downgrading PSP slim ... any tips
- Softmod a PS2 SCPH-90002
- How to disable modchip (Apple 75K)
- PS3 Questions
- PS3 Died.. any ideas as how to fix it?
- Any external media servers for the PS3 ? like a LAN HD server ?
- Need screen replaced on psp
- Alt power location for Modbo 4.0 1.99?
- Slim PS2 v12 proving challenging
- opinion needed :)
- ps2 90002 no logo after turning on
- ps3 sharing with pc problem
- Guitar hero PS2
- DNS error '80710102' when trying to connect to PSN Net work
- What is manchester united best formation in winning eleven 10 ?
- PS2 Help?
- PSP wont update Memory card error
- PS3 Ejecting disk
- ripper iv modchip help
- Flowers
- PSP v3.95 Downgrade?
- Question on the PS3 60GB PAL CECHCO1/2 console compatability?
- PS3 Won't Power Up - Help Needed
- PS2 39002 modding
- Swap Magic Emulators In XMB
- Plqaystation 3 Firmware Update 2.60
- GH072-42 mobo in 90K slim
- Psp 2000 Screen replacement?
- PSone: 12C508 Hex Files? SCPH102
- Sony Playstation 2 Hdd Network Adaptor
- Pstwo Power Button 90000 Series
- PS2 90000 series Power Button
- modding psp for use with backups
- Backwards Compatibility PS3?
- PS3 displaying flashes of white noise when playing CD
- PS3, how to clean it up for sale
- PS2 chipping how much?
- PS2 slim SCPH-79001 disk won't spin
- 40GB PS3 not spinning discs
- Modded PS2 from acegamestore.com
- Psp buttons not working
- File types ?
- PS3 Zoom Option?
- What is best new ps2 console to mod?
- GH Metallica PS2 with Controller?
- Custom firmware 5.03HEN for HEN-A with support for PSP-3000
- PSP Sometimes Goes Off
- 77002 ps2 won't boot games without some help
- Fractal Universe V1 for Sony PSP
- PS2- Memor32 Card, any advice?
- PS with M3
- does psp need updating to play latest games?
- Any PSP CFW installers in Wollongong?
- Ps3 controllers going flat
- ps3 wont eject disc,help
- PS3 Repair warning Brisbane
- Ps2 Modbo 4.0 help
- What PS2 Modchip
- GBA on PSP
- Scratched Swap Magic disc
- Rumor: Belzar, a full-pledge direct boot PS3 modchip incoming?
- New GPS Program for PSP
- Problem reading games on modchipped original PlayStation
- PS3 online gaming requirements
- Chips Compatible With PS2 90002 (GH-072-42) AKA 90006 Series
- psp 3002 moddable?
- PSP on LCD TV ?
- PS3 spindal motor
- PS3 DVD drive
- psp go a dud
- PS3 Likely Problems
- PS2 Help
- PS2 Slim Wont Spin
- Help - which chip for an old PS2 (SCPH-39002)
- PS3 is it right for me?
- re ghanging hdd in ps3
- updating ps3 help
- PS3 and HDMI connections.
- PSP modding
- Should I keep Or Should I sell PS3
- Cheapest places for COD4 MW2 for PS3
- Parts query for 70002 ps2
- save games from a failed PS3
- JB selling PS2 for $99
- Play T.V.
- PS3 - Buy now or wait till after christmas
- PS3 as a Media Centre
- system not turned off properly
- PS2 modbo 4.0 90002 PS1 games
- ps3 not listed in HDMI device list on Bravia
- Want to Borrow: PSP Pandora Battery Kit
- PS2 games on a PS3