View Full Version : Nintendo
- wii general info...
- Wii exploit - Homebrew code running
- The Wii: The Basics.
- Brand New Wii $379
- Need for brand new Wii DVD Drive replacement ?
- New Wii D2C Chip Rumours
- Problem replacing case on Nintendo DS
- Movies on NDS with R4
- Best DS Flash Cart
- wiikey help
- DS save converter
- DS Problems Slot 1 not working
- Which mod chip
- Wii games iso size?
- D2Pro For Wii D2C Consoles Is Here!
- DL disks and the Wii
- Wii Controller
- Problem with some games with R4
- LG GDR-8161B whats it good for?
- Tips On Wii Sports
- DSLite problem
- 5 minuite DS games? Recommendations?
- GDR-8164B drive problem
- Wiikey update Questions..????
- Commodore 64 Games are coming to the Wii !!!
- Just an FYI to all regarding ozmodchips wiki
- Trucha Signer
- where to find dumptool
- tt ds card and rumble pack tutorial
- config/firmware wiikey disc not working
- gsa 4040b
- Which Roms Do You Use
- Whats your Favourite Wii Game...???
- m3ds help loading games
- soft mod for wii
- Noob Help Please!
- Latest AceKard 2 For NDS
- FreeLoader Super Smash Bros Brawl
- DS Lite help please
- GC games on Wii
- What size SD card for Wiikey SD adapter?
- wii modchip
- Ds (r4)
- Wii Bricking Risk
- Wiikey 1.9s Question...???
- Wii D2C Help please
- Argon firmware clarification
- Wasabi?
- Region-free Wii chips?
- To: Mick WIikey problems
- ssmb not working
- Mario Kart online play
- Nintendo Forum Guidelines
- What are Good DS games
- D2Pro - Modchip for D2C Wiis. 15 wires.
- Newbie Wiikey Q's
- Wii Clip V1 Any Feedback?
- Unable to d/l firmware update for Wii.
- Wii Clip question
- Console Emulators For The DS
- Lone Wolf for DS
- Wiikey SD Adapter
- Installed my first wiikey, how do I know it's working?
- Backing Up my Wii Games
- TTDS Driver
- Nintendo DS games ?
- Nintendo Wii chip????
- WiiBrickBlocker
- Power problem with wii
- TTDS not loading
- Replacing Slot 1
- Wikey + Petz : Dogs 2 in 50htz
- Wiifit + WiiKey = Works?
- help dropped wii
- Setting up Nintendo DS Wi-Fi
- EZ Flash II and DS Lite
- TT DS Tutorial
- Wii Tin
- HELP I Broke The Clip For The DS Ribbon
- Semi-Brick Fix released for Wii
- New D2Pro For D2C2 Shipping Monday
- Pal wii and ntfs games
- which one to get m3,r4,acekard etc
- Backing up a DS game.
- Problems with Pro Kageyamas Maths Training
- New Wii Update
- Options to play GBA games on DS?
- New nintendo DS lite question
- GC controler for Wii. $15 at EB
- Nintendo DSL Antenna or Cable
- help needed to get grandkids off my back
- D2pro install question...???
- m3 lite game save to ttds game saves
- wii - backup a backup
- ds lite not reading games
- NES and SNES Emulators on the Gamescube
- Original DS flash carts
- wii problem loading disc
- D2SUN 1.2 - one word...WOW
- PREmodded Wii Consoles, Where?......
- wiideo
- Wanted: Wii Remote Reciept Scan
- wii wants to upgrade.
- KGB DS Is Coming, Brand New Flash Card!
- Wii and the internet.
- Nintendo DS Brain Training
- where to buy GBA SP LCD
- SSBB with 3.3e update
- Modifying Wii Memory?
- Noob Guide to DS Lite
- wii help please
- any installers here from Perth ?
- NDS Noob Question
- ttds help
- wii game problem
- Handy link for Wii owners
- ntsc wii...
- Fire Emblem Errors...
- pal update
- ds tt usb drive
- wii clip - experience...
- GC on Wii
- Wii mod
- Streaming video on Wii - quality compared to PS3 or 360
- Wiimote Projects for interactive PC
- NDS Video Converter
- Which Clip/chip to install ?
- US/NTSC modded Wii
- Playing backups without a chip
- ttds frezeing
- is it a good price to buy DSTT?
- WiiKey 2 Has Been Released, Need Installer Feedback
- Game Party 2 USA wont work with a D2CKey
- New R4 card won' work in DSlite
- Any trick to backup SSBB?
- How to back up wii disk?
- Here come the DS Police !!
- Nintendo WII for $199 this Wednesday 29/10
- Wii Update
- Which Chip and where?
- Wife wants a DS
- Guitar Hero 4 instruments
- D2Pro questions?
- DL SUper Smash Bros Brawl Problem
- Difference between EU & US?
- backing up question for wii
- DSTT - Warning
- Usb Gecko
- DSTT Puzzle
- wii games
- R4 Deluxe firmware help :)
- Wii D2Pro questions?
- DVD load letting me insert disks after d2pro d2e install?
- Acekard for the DSi
- Nintendo Wii $347 @ Harvey Norman
- Are you an installer?
- Which chip and f/w install...
- dstt cheats
- Backing up Simpsons game.
- Wii with epoxy
- USB to LAN/ethernet adapter for Wii
- Help-it asked for update
- 60Hz 480i recommended Wii setting?
- Wii Changing Region
- Install
- Need to know. NOW
- Wii Update
- Wii Pal ISO's
- Help!! DSlite dstt boot problem
- Trouble with some games playing on the Wii
- Loading .DOL and .ELF files with Homebrew Channel
- wii updates
- Need a ds flash card
- Guitar Hero World Tour guitars - where to get extra guitar?
- Wii - What do I need to know
- Wii clip on chip?
- Backdate Wii firmware
- New to the world of DS Lite need Help
- how do you play DVD movies on a wii?
- Animal Crossing 3.4
- DSTT will not load, and not recognized by the DS
- Best Wii Price ?
- R4 Firmware
- Guitar Hero extra content Wii !
- Language translator for DS
- R4DS Cart question.
- Wii - how to downgrade firmware?
- Wii Firmware - E U?
- NDS "N5" System...HELP!!!!
- Wii Backups ?
- Wii Brick Blocker and installing IOS
- rock band 2
- Backup Loader - outdated/no longer used
- Wii - deleting Channels
- CIOS 37, IOS 51 and Shop Installer - what are they?
- Alternative to Wii Brick Blocker?
- Wii Chip Questions
- Guide for downgrading Wii from V3.4 to V3.2
- Wii Modding
- Nintendo DS or PSP which one?
- iTechworld strike's again
- Internet On DS Lite
- DriveKey ModChip For Wii Feb 17, Installer Feedback
- Super smash bros, how to copy a copied dL disk
- GameCube backup launcher for Wii
- Replacement Battery for DS lite
- Homebrew Installed then what???
- DS Media Player???
- DS lite R4
- Wii - not reading discs ... :(
- Wii GC2-D3 DVD Drives
- Gamecube cover/lid
- ds/dsi multicarts?
- Wii Media Centre
- D2SSUN 1.35A Modchip Issues...
- Best DVD-R for Wii
- Guitar Hero World Tour/ Rock Band
- Trouble setting up old systems, help pls?
- Important Urgent Wii Question!!!
- Nintendo Ds Lite or DSI?
- A wii that stopped wii-ing...
- Wii - Sonic & The Black Knight
- Wii - 4,699,979,776 bytes
- Wii Hard Drive
- The game Disc could not be read. Please refer to your Wii Operations Manual for more
- New Wii games
- CycloDS
- DS Lite problem
- Wii Modchipping
- downgrade from firmware 4.0e
- Which USB Loader are you using?
- Nintendo DSi - Need help getting online
- How to - 4.3e unmodded
- USB Loader issue
- USB HDD ISO's and Size
- Is the Wii able to do any XBMC type stuff?
- Wii web browser
- Nintendo Wii Usb Loader
- Working HDD's
- How to move channels around on Wii main menu?
- easy homebrew install with twilight princess
- USB hub compatible with Wii?
- Best place to buy 6 Wiimotes and 3 Nunchucks?
- Homebrew channel prob?
- Mii sculptures
- DSI and travelling
- Wii, Games that Wont boot from HDD
- Wii, Where is my free space gone
- WII HDD INSTALLING games freeze
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