Quote Originally Posted by lsemmens View Post
Actually, the world was going to end in the 80s, IIRC, then 2000......
Yeah, there have been a LOT of occasions.
I seem to remember a big one a lot of people believed in the last year or 2. Can't remember what it was about, just more crackpots rabble rousing.
Wonder what they say after they have made idiots of themselves to all their friends? Must be embarrassing when life goes on and nothing changes.

What stuns me with the Globull warming thing is how many places I look and people being these so called believers and politicians are now talking about the end of the world in as little as 10-20 years. There is nothing I have seen in the science they follow to suggest that by their own proponents. It's just the ever increasing noise and tantrum throwing to attract attention to the green religion when they see not enough people are panicking and falling for the same crap.

I wonder how long it will take for this charade to run it's course? Like any social hysteria, sooner rather than later people will get bored with it, start really questioning it and when all the predictions fail to materialise and the " Science" is shot down in smoking flames, they will see it for what it is.
Already in many parts of the world the leftists and green Koolaide Drinkers are being thrown out on their arses in national elections. I suspect Britain well be the next place to elect a right wing gubbermint and that will be another nail in the green hysteria coffin. The french just threw out their green lunatic leader.

The ultimate key to the longevity of the globull warming ideal will precisely how long it remains profitable for Big biz and their Puppet Gubbermints.
Once the profits fall off and people loose interest and supports wains, it will be dropped like a hot potato and the whole thing will be seen as a joke.
People will then start pointing out the glaring and obvious flaws and asking how in the hell could people be so Gullible to fall for it all when it was such a load of rubbish.

No doubt like bad fashion and pop music, what everyone was once right into and championed, years later they will deny having ever liked it and say they were against it the whole time. It will go from a hysteria to not being able to find a single person to admit believing in it. Some no doubt will stick to their delusions and others will make all sorts of garbage excuses to justify that it wasn't their fault they weren't suckered in by it.

I'm always reminded by the claims of " science" how not all that long ago " Scientists" bought and paid for just like they are now, also claimed Cigarettes weren't bad for you. Before that they claimed that travelling beyond the speed of sound would kill a person, lead in paint and petrol wasn't a problem and so the list goes on. There is loads of evidence to debunk the " science " that is touted now but as we have seen endlessly and demonstrated right here, the brainwashed only allow one way of thinking and won't accept anything else that does not agree with the the story they so desperately want to believe in. Of course all the evidence points one way when that's the only evidence you will acknowledge and claim everything else is wrong and inadmissible which is the precise tactic the green washed use.

If people stopped distracting others with all this globull warming BS and put some effort into doing something real that is an immediate threat to the planet like all the plastic in the oceans, they would be doing something very worth while. going on with crap like the globull warming fantasy is just distracting attention from REAL problems which should be looked at.

But I wonder if that is not the REAL reason the whole green religion is not pushed down our throats so hard in the first place?