Trash, help i cannot sleep
Woke up at 3am this morning and on went Kodi, there was a science program on whilst i was drowsy, until they mentioned quarz(?) and black holes and that they are trying to prove their existence by smashing atoms at the Cern collider drome, some thing like a velodrome but they go in 2 directions at the one time
But what woke me bolt upright was if they stuff up and create a mini black hole and cannot control it or worse, the quarz losses it attaching atom and goes rogue, becoming the heaviest item in the universe, it could drop to the centre of the earth (where it is at equilibrium to gravity) and then start digesting Earth from inside out, and the next picture you see of Earth will be as attached

Now i am not too sure that i will be able to sleep tonite until you can assure me that this wont happen