With the ads for non members one city commissioner addressed they are making revenue off our police department, and more with premium as if they run the show, banking on high ad traffic during tragic incidents like it is the nfl or a derby demo waiting for the next guy to roll his car.

With that said a county commissioner talked with another county and the ball is rolling for the two on strapping down janitor to Law Enforcement in every aspect.

What opinions do you have on it? Others generating revenue rebroadcastifing radio traffic where in some places like the USA have laws already to not disclose what you hear on a scanner.

More and more we see it and hear about it on FB groups and play by play details.

Some things are just left better alone and mums the word.

As a technician in a shop for several I can say it doesn't sit well with many as it is but now pencil pushers are noticing there is ad revenue they aren't getting for their department. No joke.

I think in end itll just kill that hobby for those who enjoy it and the streaming kill it for most.

None the less we are looking at now rolling in ton of APX mobiles, portables as the chains rattled the order with AES from the agencies that put their orders in, others to come. While one can say hogwash the overdue replacements were needed but with recent talks it got the ball rolling with quick approval to upgrade and for officer and privacy safety of citizens locking things down is what is wanted.