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Thread: Sony 65X7000E Tcon problem or other

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    Default Sony 65X7000E Tcon problem or other

    We have a Sony 65X7000E and I have a issue. The TV has horizontal lines down the bottom around 4 to 5 off them (on and off)around 40-50MM from the bottom but at the same time I have horizontal quad images up the top and out of focus. This issue start after you have the tv on after 10 minutes and gets worst after it heats up but what it does after heating up its ok for 5 to 6 seconds then it plays up again then its good again for another 5 to 6 seconds then it play up again for a few seconds and it will continue like for for hours and hours on and off.
    Now I fixed another Sony by replacing the Tcon board (seconds from ebay) but this one I have replaced the Tcon board (same from Ebay) and does the same yes 100% the same issue you can time it with a stop clock..
    As most know these cheaper Sonys have no local dimming and only have 3 boards 1/ the power supply, 2/ the tcon and the 3/ Main board where the Tcon plugs into.
    Its defiantly heat related, Cant be that unlucky as both tcon boards do the same as the original one was ok until the 10 minute time. The original Tcon board started to play up 1 year ago then it was ok for 6 months then it start to play up again but after it heated up(After 30Min) the TV was ok but not now as you can leave the TV on for 8 hours and it still has this pattern, good for 5-6 seconds and plays up for 5-6 seconds.
    I have hot air gun soldering at home plus other soldering systems so I want to know if any guy has more experience that I have to give me a clue where the issue could be 'eg" the ribbon lead from the Tcon to the main board or other. I say any professional TV repairer would have seen a few of these Sony's behave like this.

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    Maybe the person that works on TV's has gone away or is a infrequent viewer.

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