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Thread: Registration Reinstatement fee Queensland

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    Default Registration Reinstatement fee Queensland

    Hi all

    So i live in Queensland and registration renewals usually get done online, in fact my registration usually automatically debits from my account.

    I'm not entirely sure what has happened this month but the registration didn't charge correctly and lapsed only by like 5 days when i noticed the email going through my spam folder.

    The vehicle rarely gets used, Its only used once in a blue moon when i'm driving family members around. anyway i went to renew it and it is forcing me to pay the full 6 or 12 month rather than the monthly option and the 3 month option is taken away.

    and on top of that I have to pay a $72 reinstatement fee. now if i pay that all online now its completely automated and the vehicle is registered again and can be driven immediately.

    So my question is this. What is this fee actually paying for? there is no human intervention at all here. i could renew that registration pay the fee drive directly to the police and say hay guys look at my car do you think its registered and them looking up would see it was just renewed. ( I confirmed this with the Queensland transport that when an expired registration is renewed it immediately is activated again)

    So to me this seems like a mechanism to punish the poor. in my case this was just an issue with the bank at the time and its not that i can't afford it I am just a little browned off that i have to pay a fee that seems to have no justifiable purpose other than revenue raising but if i have to i will.

    There just seems to be something morally bankrupt about it when the people this would mostly effect are low income earners and it seems a harsh sting to people who are struggling to pay the registration already to force them to pay not only for a full 6 months worth of registration vs the 1 month option but also charge them $72 seemingly to punish them for letting it laps, additionally its they are not getting additional time by doing this if the registration expires and they renew it a few days later the renewal is effective from the expiry date not the date they renewed it.

    (I am however considering instead of paying the fee pay my mechanic to road worthy the vehicle then cancel the registration then register the vehicle again with new registration thus avoiding the fee and wasting as much of their time as possible. and directing the fee to a local business instead. and yes i know there are plate fees however i have personalized plates and there is no plate fee for this registration)

    and before anyone asks why i have it coming out monthly its because i have 3 cars and a trailer and it suited me better to do it with an automated monthly payment.
    Last edited by bazzy; 09-10-24 at 12:00 AM.

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    Queensland is broke and they want the revenue....I don't know what the mystery is.

    Steven Miles would promise you free registration if he thought it would get him re elected....
    The fact that there's a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven says a lot about the anticipated traffic flow.

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    It's a state money grab that can be sneaked in without fanfare. Of course, if they raise the price of beer by one cent to cover their "costs", there would be a huge stink. Politics.......
    I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...

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    It will probably cost you more to pay for the roadworthy & re-register than just pay the late fee, especially if it fails the roadworthy for some reason.
    The govt don't or won't give a sh*t if you try to waste their time by cancelling and re-registering a vehicle, but will instead laugh at you because you'll be stung with a registration duty calculated for the vehicle's value.
    It is probably a condition of the monthly payments scheme that you have to ensure the money is there to be drawn by them on the due date, regardless of excuse.
    It appears they are also buying votes again with this year

    I paid 12 months rego on one of my bikes yesterday, the compulsory third party insurance is now fkn triple what the actual rego cost is
    I do not acknowledge the so-called traditional custodians of the land and waters on which we operate.
    Stop using acronyms!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jma View Post
    It will probably cost you more to pay for the roadworthy & re-register than just pay the late fee, especially if it fails the roadworthy for some reason.
    no it works out $30 cheaper for some reason even when you factor the road worthy in to the price. as for the finding something wrong with the car, the car is a luxury vehicle that is kept in immaculate mechanical and physical condition and a road worthy was only performed on it 12 months ago. the vehicle has done about 1500km in that time and has only been fueled 3 times in that time just to illustrate its usage.

    There is literally no chance the road worthy will fail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jma View Post
    The govt don't or won't give a sh*t if you try to waste their time by cancelling and re-registering a vehicle, but will instead laugh at you because you'll be stung with a registration duty calculated for the vehicle's value.
    Sure then I will laugh back at them when I point out that registration duty is only applicable if the vehicle has not been registered in my name before.. and the reason it is not applicable is because registration duty is the tax applicable as a result of the sale of the vehicle. its not practical to enforce it on sale of the vehicle because then it would only be applied when buying a car from a dealer. as a result it gets applied when first registering a vehicle in your name and is only charged once for the duration of ownership.

    Vehicles previously registered in Queensland

    Vehicle registration duty is not charged on a vehicle if:

    the vehicle was registered and the registration expired or was cancelled
    the previous registered owner or a relative is registering the vehicle again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jma View Post
    It is probably a condition of the monthly payments scheme that you have to ensure the money is there to be drawn by them on the due date, regardless of excuse.
    again not a bank account was empty thing there is about 15k sitting in that account, the bank was having an issue at the time. so that condition if it exists is irrelevant for things that are outside of my control. I can't be held liable for a banks system outage.

    This is also not the point of my post. in the end Im not worried that I am paying this fee, My concern is this fee is mostly going to hurt the people who are on low income having to juggle bills and put food on the table.

    I can just pay it or as i said cancel the registration and register it again.

    A family being punished by paying a fine worth a week of food for choosing to delay the payment on a vehicle registration for a couple of weeks so they can put food on the table for their children doesn't seem fair at all.

    its all well and good they have reduced the cost of registration as a whole but while this fee exists (that by the way doesn't actually pay for anything) what the government are saying "we don't care about the poor people living on or below the poverty line, these reductions are meant for the rich"

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    Quote Originally Posted by bazzy View Post

    its all well and good they have reduced the cost of registration as a whole but while this fee exists (that by the way doesn't actually pay for anything) what the government are saying "we don't care about the poor people living on or below the poverty line, these reductions are meant for the rich"
    Again, why are you surprised? The government doesn't care about anyone except themselves and their mates, especially these guys. They will just attempt to buy votes come election time. It may work, it has before...QLDers fall for it nearly every time.

    Meanwhile the state goes steadily broke.
    The fact that there's a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven says a lot about the anticipated traffic flow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bazzy View Post
    ......Vehicles previously registered in Queensland

    Vehicle registration duty is not charged on a vehicle if:

    the vehicle was registered and the registration expired or was cancelled
    the previous registered owner or a relative is registering the vehicle again.
    Yes you are correct, I missed that when having a quick look earlier.

    Quote Originally Posted by bazzy View Post
    ......I can't be held liable for a banks system outage.
    Apparently you can

    Quote Originally Posted by bazzy View Post
    ......what the government are saying "we don't care about the poor people living on or below the poverty line, these reductions are meant for the rich"
    They've been saying similar for as long as I can remember, not with words but their actions.
    The current round of cuts is nothing more than vote buying.
    I do not acknowledge the so-called traditional custodians of the land and waters on which we operate.
    Stop using acronyms!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by bazzy View Post
    So i live in Queensland and registration renewals usually get done online, in fact my registration usually automatically debits from my account.
    Incorrect ~ you voluntarily opted in for TMR e-notifications, and apparently also decided to opt into TMR's direct-debit service.

    Corrected statement: I live in Queensland. and my registration renewal is sent to me by letter, about 4weeks before my rego payment is due. Within that 4weeks, I will typically pay for my rego using Bpay at the local post-office (very convenient, as the local govt. office is usually full of ppl in a cue). If I so choose, I can opt in to TMR electronic services....but I've read their Terms&Conditions, and don't agree to those (particularly when it comes to billing errors in the direct-debit system)...and of course, that's a software system, and anything can go wrong, and if you read the terms and conditions, that's on you, your financial institution, or the TMR (if their investigations indicate so)

    i noticed the email going through my spam folder
    This is covered under the TMR E-Correspondence Terms&Conditions is your responsibility to ensure you have 'secure access' to your private email account. What that means, is if TMR send you an E-Correspondence, and it ends up in your spam folder, that's on you ~ all the TMR system gets is acknowledgement the E-Correspondence was successfully delivered (it didn't "bounce" as undeliverable to your email address). If the E-Correspondence is undeliverable, they will resend so many times -- if it continues to fail, they send you a letter. The term 'secure access' infers that you have setup your email client, with an exception filter for to ensure important emails from TMR don't end up in your spam folder (the TMR have no control over this, only YOU do) This is of course, a standard computer usage task ...setting up email filters for important E-Correspondence from any; mygov, centrelink, financial institutions, etc etc..

    'Convenience does not absolve responsibility' ~ check section 5 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions (this boils down to it being your responsibility to check your financial institutions records that rego payments were made ontime and correct amount)

    'If a billing error occurs' ~ check section 6 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions ...(this is the main bit I didn't agree it and weep =)

    As I don't agree with section 6 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions, I continue to pay my rego in person, as that way I can be sure I've upheld my responsibility to keep my vehicle registered at all times.

    Seeing as the OP agreed to all this, this result is par for the course .... moving on =)

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    Quote Originally Posted by wotnot View Post
    Incorrect ~ you voluntarily opted in for TMR e-notifications, and apparently also decided to opt into TMR's direct-debit service.

    Corrected statement: I live in Queensland. and my registration renewal is sent to me by letter, about 4weeks before my rego payment is due. Within that 4weeks, I will typically pay for my rego using Bpay at the local post-office (very convenient, as the local govt. office is usually full of ppl in a cue). If I so choose, I can opt in to TMR electronic services....but I've read their Terms&Conditions, and don't agree to those (particularly when it comes to billing errors in the direct-debit system)...and of course, that's a software system, and anything can go wrong, and if you read the terms and conditions, that's on you, your financial institution, or the TMR (if their investigations indicate so)

    This is covered under the TMR E-Correspondence Terms&Conditions is your responsibility to ensure you have 'secure access' to your private email account. What that means, is if TMR send you an E-Correspondence, and it ends up in your spam folder, that's on you ~ all the TMR system gets is acknowledgement the E-Correspondence was successfully delivered (it didn't "bounce" as undeliverable to your email address). If the E-Correspondence is undeliverable, they will resend so many times -- if it continues to fail, they send you a letter. The term 'secure access' infers that you have setup your email client, with an exception filter for to ensure important emails from TMR don't end up in your spam folder (the TMR have no control over this, only YOU do) This is of course, a standard computer usage task ...setting up email filters for important E-Correspondence from any; mygov, centrelink, financial institutions, etc etc..

    'Convenience does not absolve responsibility' ~ check section 5 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions (this boils down to it being your responsibility to check your financial institutions records that rego payments were made ontime and correct amount)

    'If a billing error occurs' ~ check section 6 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions ...(this is the main bit I didn't agree it and weep =)

    As I don't agree with section 6 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions, I continue to pay my rego in person, as that way I can be sure I've upheld my responsibility to keep my vehicle registered at all times.

    Seeing as the OP agreed to all this, this result is par for the course .... moving on =)
    I have no idea what he posted (on the ignore list), and don't care (about par for this guy I'm guessing), but I like your reply
    Last edited by Al Bundy; 11-10-24 at 12:22 PM.
    Ted (Al)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Al Bundy View Post
    I have no idea what he posted (on the ignore list), and don't care (about par for this guy I'm guessing), but I like your reply
    That doesn't at all surprise me ~ some of the drivel the OP comes out with, is truly mind-boggling (Hint: right click on thread title, open in a new private window ...then you can see the post(s) without your handle turning up in the 'Members who have read this thread' tallybox =)

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    Quote Originally Posted by wotnot View Post
    Incorrect ~ you voluntarily opted in for TMR e-notifications, and apparently also decided to opt into TMR's direct-debit service.

    Corrected statement: I live in Queensland. and my registration renewal is sent to me by letter, about 4weeks before my rego payment is due. Within that 4weeks, I will typically pay for my rego using Bpay at the local post-office (very convenient, as the local govt. office is usually full of ppl in a cue). If I so choose, I can opt in to TMR electronic services....but I've read their Terms&Conditions, and don't agree to those (particularly when it comes to billing errors in the direct-debit system)...and of course, that's a software system, and anything can go wrong, and if you read the terms and conditions, that's on you, your financial institution, or the TMR (if their investigations indicate so)

    This is covered under the TMR E-Correspondence Terms&Conditions is your responsibility to ensure you have 'secure access' to your private email account. What that means, is if TMR send you an E-Correspondence, and it ends up in your spam folder, that's on you ~ all the TMR system gets is acknowledgement the E-Correspondence was successfully delivered (it didn't "bounce" as undeliverable to your email address). If the E-Correspondence is undeliverable, they will resend so many times -- if it continues to fail, they send you a letter. The term 'secure access' infers that you have setup your email client, with an exception filter for to ensure important emails from TMR don't end up in your spam folder (the TMR have no control over this, only YOU do) This is of course, a standard computer usage task ...setting up email filters for important E-Correspondence from any; mygov, centrelink, financial institutions, etc etc..

    'Convenience does not absolve responsibility' ~ check section 5 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions (this boils down to it being your responsibility to check your financial institutions records that rego payments were made ontime and correct amount)

    'If a billing error occurs' ~ check section 6 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions ...(this is the main bit I didn't agree it and weep =)

    As I don't agree with section 6 of the TMR direct-debit Terms&Conditions, I continue to pay my rego in person, as that way I can be sure I've upheld my responsibility to keep my vehicle registered at all times.

    Seeing as the OP agreed to all this, this result is par for the course .... moving on =)
    I dont know of very many people at least in my circle that pay registration at a post office. possibly people in their 70s may do that but the number would be vary minimal.

    additionally you have completely missed the point of my post. My issue with the fee is that it doesn't actually pay for anything. in fact it gives an incentive for people to de register and re register a vehicle over paying that fee.
    Last edited by bazzy; 11-10-24 at 03:41 PM.

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    makes no real difference if its over the top add on payment or not
    you made the mistake by not checking bank transactions or spam email so live with it.

    when i know there is something coming out i always check to make sure it has gone through and no issue
    maybee you should do the same.
    Last edited by fandtm666; 12-10-24 at 11:35 AM.
    dont say linux if i wanted it id install it

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    My issue with the fee is that it doesn't actually pay for anything. in fact it gives an incentive for people to de register and re register a vehicle over paying that fee.
    That's the inherent beauty of the system ~ if you cancel registration on a vehicle, you need an RWC to re-register it ...this is kinda like it is in NSW, without the annual (typical) RWC costs ; TMR don't care about this, go wild...knock yourself out...

    The fee is described as 'administrative fees' ...basically, because you didn't honour your responsibilities, you went and got humans involved...they cost, machines just tick along.

    But of course, this should come as no surprise to you, seeing as all of this is clearly pointed out in the various TMR Terms&Conditions know, what fees and penalties may apply, what the cost of those can read, right?

    If they say in the Terms&Conditions it costs ie; $50 to do something, right or wrong, cheap or expensive, you agreed to it ... you understand this concept, yes? It doesn't matter if the stated fee seems unjustifiable, you agreed to it... this is seriously basic stuff...

    ...look, being a parent myself (along with many others here), has one understand what it is... the difference between 'right' and 'wrong''s really basic stuff, if you do things the right way it's a generally rewarding experience ; if you do things the wrong way you will incur some suffering... and you learn from your's what you teach your kids, what was taught to you..

    You did the 'wrong' thing, you didn't take your responsibilities seriously, you agreed to terms and conditions that would, due to machine failure or whatever, possibly cause your vehicle unregistered through lack of payment.

    Maybe this will help you understand... 'what you have done' =)

    You are Kyle offense intended...not judging, just saying, not complaining, just reporting =)
    Last edited by wotnot; 11-10-24 at 11:16 PM.

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    Like all government fees, charges, taxes etc, it does not have to make sense to us, or even be logical or fair. It just has to exist to take money from us so that all pollies can feather their own nests & beauracrats can build their fiefdoms in their ivory towers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wotnot View Post

    The fee is described as 'administrative fees' ...basically, because you didn't honour your responsibilities, you went and got humans involved...they cost, machines just tick along.

    You are Kyle offense intended...not judging, just saying, not complaining, just reporting =)
    Look im not denying nor really care that the mistake was mine. My issue is that the there are NOT humans involved. If humans are involved i would understand the justification for a fee to cover wages. my issue is as follows

    1. The process is completely automated. once you have paid your vehicle is immediately registered again there is no human intervention at all. even when you pay by bpay there isnt human intervention, the system looks for the number associated with the bill when a payment is posted to the account associated with their biller code with that reference number their system automatically posts that $ value against your "registration account" associated with that registration then it automatically updates the appropriate systems. if you pay by Card that happens instantly.

    even when you go into the post office to pay, that is marked as paid and the funds posted to their account again using the number associated with your registration, and again once posted their system then automatically marks it current, again no human intervention. the only case where human intervention is required is when things mess up or you go into the TMR.

    2. Again if i have to pay it i have to pay it. my frustration is not so much that i am being charged that fee more that the fee is so large for seemingly no justifiable reason. I don't think its unreasonable to be asking the question when they say "administration fee" for me to as "exactly what administration is involved" think of this a like a receipt if there is a fee on there you are justified in asking what that fee actually covers.

    3. Again, I am not worried so much about my situation more that this fee would be disproportionately applied to the poorer people in society and having the the fee not only so large that it would cover multiple days worth of food on the table but to also then have it force you to either renew as 6 or 12 months and rule out the option of 3 or 1 month options that a lot of the poorer people would be using makes it seem either deliberately cruel at the worst or badly designed at best. and for this to further compounded by the fact you can get around this fee if you have personalized plates further gives credit to the idea that it is intended to hit the poor.

    and yes the "road worthy" can pick up issues with a car, (its also called a safety certificate not a road worthy) but my take on that is issues that are that glaring and critical that compromise a safety certificate means that the vehicle shouldn't be on the road anyway. Vehicles should be kept in road worthy condition when being used on the road even in Queensland. And even without mandatory annual safety inspections, it is still possible to get into hot water either by the police or by the transport department.

    Late last year they had a real crackdown where i live on unroadworthy vehicles. they had the purple checkered main roads cars pulling over vehicles going over them for road worthy issues, and the police can defect an roadworthy vehicle. but even if you don't care about any of that people should have more respect for their well being to prevent them from wanting to drive around in an unroadworthy vehicle.

    If my vehicles need work done on them they get fixed immediately or if not they get sidelined until the repair work can be completed.

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    If I read you correctly, it's not so much that they are charging a fee, but that they are charging a fee for no human interaction at all! One of my credit cards charges me a fee if I pay money into it by EFT. The only time I am not charged a fee is if it is taken out by direct debit on the due date. YES companies are complicit in the scam of fee for NO service.
    I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...

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    Quote Originally Posted by lsemmens View Post
    If I read you correctly, it's not so much that they are charging a fee, but that they are charging a fee for no human interaction at all! One of my credit cards charges me a fee if I pay money into it by EFT. The only time I am not charged a fee is if it is taken out by direct debit on the due date. YES companies are complicit in the scam of fee for NO service.
    The card exists, the account exists, and it is accessible and can be used. So a service DOES in fact exist and has been performed.

    Whether it deserves a fee or not is the question...
    The fact that there's a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven says a lot about the anticipated traffic flow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by enf View Post
    Whether it deserves a fee or not is the question...
    You're getting sucked-in by the OP's whining ~ this is actually defined as the 'fair payment policy' for Australian business entities (both statutory and non-statutory entities)'s on the ATO and other govt. websites.

    In Australia, you can charge a reasonable fixed penalty late fee or interest capped at around 10% annually (broken down to a monthly figure)
    Where it is a statutory state entity (like the TMR), they can apply fines as well (non-statutory entities cannot impose fines)

    As to whether they're 'justified' or not....the TMR fees are all set out on a webpage on their site. When you sign the application for registration, you agree to those fees.

    Lets look at one of the more bizarre TMR fees....

    How is that justified? Well...some TMR employee (or agent) had to sit down at a computer terminal, enter the details, and give their financial dept the heads up the payment was authorized, then someone in their financial dept, sat at their computer terminal, and entered the data so the actual refund payment is made. By the time you pro-rata their wages, cost of equipment, cost of the building they work in etc's like close to $20 =)

    Same stuff happens, when you fail to pay your registration fee by the due date...there are 2 routes... fill in the registration renewal form (F3515_CFD), take it to a TMR service center (or approved; govt. office, magistrate, or police office if they handle TMR agency), and the approved agent sits behind their computer terminal and verifies/re-enters the data into the system, and reactivates the vehicle registration .... OR .... fill out the online registration renewal form and lodge it electronically, which gets processed by one of the TMR employees sitting at their computer terminals back at TMR HQ (on the upper floors)...and they verify/re-enter the data into the system, and reactivate the vehicle registration.

    If humans are involved i would understand the justification for a fee to cover wages.
    Right....then shut-up please ~ humans ARE involved, because you failed to take the responsibility to keep your registration paid on time. If you had taken your responsibilities seriously, the data entered into the system would've remained valid, and you wouldn't have roped in ppl to re-enter that data.

    You are Kyle..

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    This thread is way more fun not being able to read a certain idiot’s post (and makes more sense)
    Ted (Al)

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    If I have to read anymore whinging emails about this thread, I will ban everyone in it for a week. You are all more than aware of the site rules. If you don't like someone's posts, put them on your ignore list and....wait for it....ignore them. It's pretty simple.

  • The Following User Says Thank You to admin For This Useful Post:

    bazzy (13-10-24)

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