Thank you wotnot you have been very helpful.
What is the difference between a digital meter and a smart meter? (in essence)
Hypothetically, what would happen if I asked for the smart meter to be converted to an accumulation meter (with Energy Australia)?
I have not got solar panels or a battery. (so I don't think I need the smart meter functionality?)
Could I ask for the antenna to be removed? (how would I know if the communications has been disconnected if the antenna is not removed?)
Would they then remove the seals so I can use the read button etc... ?
What readings would then be available to view if it is an accumulation meter not a smart meter?
would there be a charge to read the meter? and would it be a once a year reading ? or could I submit my own readings when required with Energy Australia.
Thank you.
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Ok.... seeing as nobody wants to follow any advice here, I contacted Energy Australia myself via webchat... the result? (took 5minutes)...
I'm not so sure about this, you can do one thing, we have a specialist team who can be reached out through a number,
please contact them through this number, and they will assist you further: 1800 818 378.
The ball, as they say, is in your court...
RedXT (07-12-24)
Al Bundy (06-12-24)
Yeah on that page I linked to it says they were upgrading the coms modules
Ted (Al)
That word salad you posted previously?....honestly, I thought to myself "Here we go...if the crap is that thick at the start, it's only going to get deeper..." --- hence the webchat...
...I should've kept the whole transcript, but the key response I posted above...quote: "I'm not so sure about this.." ....let me simplify that ..."I do not know"...
...webchat is fair game to me ....most of them are outsourced, they're usually not employees (of the company), but employees of the online chat services (the company) pays to do this..., they have an onscreen script, in this case they refer to the company's website for clues (EnergyAustralia), and when that fails, they cough up the 'special secret phone number' that's not disclosed on their site...
.....they're all the same of course, telcos, energy providers,'s rare to get an actual human from the actual least, not without trying to dodge to bot....(and everyone knows how to dodge the bot, right? =)
......but, knowing this much, it's trifling to type my questions before initiating the chat, and c&p into the chat window.... they can't connect to external sites (you have to upload the image via webchat, not provide a link)...
.......if stuff isn't on the (company's) website, they're immediately in deep water...I got lines like "I see there's been no update to the website" -- me: "I know, why do you think I'm chatting to you?"
......"You should be able to press the button" -- me: "Which button?" ...."To the right of the display" "The green button or the translucent button?" ...."Umm, I will have to check" "Check what? I can't press either button, because of the damn seal"
See...they don't actually know anything....when you come out with stuff like..."I've read through the user manual for the meter, and..." --- throws them for a loop, I can picture them feverishly clicking through the (company's) website, trying to find the user manual for the meter ....(you never tell them you got that from the meter manufacturer's website).....
....eventually they cave, and cough up the super secret squirrel number, that they've been instructed only to give out if absolutely required (this is why they don't advertise the number), but once they sense they're in the shit, and don't want to lose they webchat proficiency status, to keep their job it turns into 'absolutely required'...but not for the reasons (the company) wants to keep it quiet... basic (social) engineering at work, too frigging easy... =)
Looks like eventually a smart power meter will come to my place. Have received a letter from Essential Energy advising of a "inspection" of the power distribution network in my area.
Have read these smart meters can cause radio interference to AM and Shortwave radios. Is there something that can be done about this interference like filters that could be fitted when the meter is installed ?
Thanks for any advice on this.
Last edited by Landytrack; 09-12-24 at 08:14 AM.
The guy who installed my smart meter also showed me on his iPad that he had about 7 installs booked to do each day, and he showed me 3 or 4 days of bookings after mine, (allowed a bit over an hour to do each install ... but I guess some may cancel or not be home)
and he was from the North coast of NSW and renting a house in my area while he had work.
I think the push to install smart meters is on, maybe to get everyone installed with smart meters "before or if" the "Blackouts start"
I guess if everyone has a smart meter and blackouts start, they can start choosing who gets a blackout and who doesn't (and they will call it management of the grid or something ... just speculating)
Hospitals and Police stations probably won't get a black out? etc... (just speculating)
In my opinion they should fix the Grid so there is enough Base load electricity to serve everyone at a reasonable price. (we should not be threatened with blackouts in 2024 - 2025 +)
BTW my smart meter readings are showing higher daily usage than the average of my old meter readings from previous bills. (at the moment)
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The system used to maintain the grid is called AGC, where major disturbances occur it is called FCAS it’s a preplanned program/script (if you like) which drops off feeders by the monitoring of the frequency, but it was designed primarily for dropping loads (load shedding) when the frequency starts to fall, however the issue that is increasingly confronting AEMO is the excess of solar/wind causing the grid, and therefore the frequency to become unstable as there can be rapid changes in solar & wind input into the system (more so solar).
With the installation of Smart Meters AEMO will be able to (eventually in some states, but already in place in a couple) shut off your Solar until the grid can be stabilised, thus the higher risk associated with renewables over more stable base line loads.
Note: Edited to reflect when there are large disturbances (faults if you like) on the system, not under normal system conditions.
Last edited by Al Bundy; 09-12-24 at 06:30 PM. Reason: To clarify I mean large system disturbances
Ted (Al)
Al Bundy (09-12-24)
…and AEMO’s plan for rooftop solar;
from the above link;
switch off your rooftop solar only as a last resort…. I’m betting no, I reckon that that is on a par with “reduced power bills”.However, after all these actions have been exhausted, the temporary management of rooftop solar by network operators under state government solar management programs may still be required although we expect this may only occur in very rare circumstances.
Ted (Al)