OSIRUS (29-01-25)
...unless somebody can talk some sense in that Dump head.
Even Joe Hockey tried to but failed.
Normally I would just sit back and enjoy the show but unfortunately our likely next PM could follow suit and stuff our economy up like they did under the ScoMo regime with his hate against China.
One of Dump’s arrogant comments when a Brazilian representative asked about the tariffs was that ‘they’ (basically all the US trading partners) need the USA, the USA does not need them.
In reality our trade with the USA dwarfs what we have with China but I can see Mutton sucking up to Dump so bad that he will follow like a puppy dog and that might mean that we have to impose tariffs in China too so we don’t get punished with tariffs from the USA.
Currently we do have a TA with the USA but that can be Dumped in seconds with a quick signature.
Other ‘entertaining’ predictions of mine:
- Forcefully removing millions of immigrants could lead to a civil war. Don’t forget they all have guns.
- Consequently Marshall Law, also when his executive orders get legally challenged and he doesn’t get what he wants.
- Consequently the Constitution is changed (he already controls the supreme court), democracy abolished and Dump stays leader until he dies, like his role model Putin.
Highly recommended: Civil War - 2024 movie
Come on lets wake this forum up a bit from the dead
Dump has just started to make things 'interesting'.
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OSIRUS (29-01-25)
Look Here -> |
He also claimed that splitting the Atom was an American achievement. I don't believe anything he says.
1. removing the illegals, whilst "popular" many businesses rely on their cheap labour, I woudn't worry abut the illegals, but I would worry about the many businesses that rely on them.
2. Martial law - Not too sure how he would enact that, unless all his military cronies agree, I somehow doubt that.
3. He can't rewrite their constitution without approval from 2/3s of the State legislatures, and HE HAS NO SAY in the changes. (from: )
If he tries any of these things I'm certain that there will be another attempt (or more) upon his life.
I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
Didn't take long for the paranoia and manic theories to start did it......geeeez.
Trump is just the village idiot. Musk is the concern for me.....an unelected, very powerful and influential loose canon. He has the ear of the village idiot.
I also believe that investing gazzillions of sheckles of public money in AI will probably lead to all free thinking and much compassion being lost....what a gullible breed we are....
The fact that there's a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven says a lot about the anticipated traffic flow.
The tech sector had run out of things to earn money with, hence this AI hype.
Normally the current US tech boom would suddenly burst, like all others have when the mainstream just kept buying stocks that are already hideously overpriced but never before have these tech oligarchs been given so much super power from a government, so I don't know when or even if that will happen.
Still haven't figured out what great things all this AI will do that it hasn't been doing already for quite some years.
Musk looks like he has a lot of cocaine all around his brain.
Trump is certainly no village idiot when it comes to manipulating millions.
I am certain he has identified what a great tool TikTok would be to look into the lives and manipulate currently 170 million US Americans once his government owns (half of) it.
His AI will do the rest in filtering out the dissidents so he can have them disposed, deported, put in concentration camps or whatever the other dictators do and have done.
@Mr 672A, a low AU$ is not a bad thing. As many might (have to) step away from doing business with the USA, we become more and more attractive.
Our iron ore, coal and aluminium becomes cheaper for them and my dividends go up![]()
Last edited by Uncle Fester; 22-01-25 at 09:59 PM.
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william10 (28-01-25)
You underestimate the power of his executive orders = dictatorship.
For example the Judges can't do anything but condemn his orders to release 1500 violent criminals including the creator of a major online drug syndicate:
Currently with his new orders he has already started to dismantle(align for his needs) the National Security Counsel that is part of safe guarding democratic principles.
This is clearly part of Project 2025 :
which I mentioned in the past and was ridiculed for doing so by other members on this forum.
Trump even denied the knowledge of Project 2025 in his campaign and today I read he has just started to do exactly that:
As for attempts on his life, nobody has succeeded with Putin either.
Last edited by Uncle Fester; 23-01-25 at 10:42 AM.
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A Federal Judge has issued a nationwide Temporary Restraining Order preventing President Trump from eliminating Birthright Citizenship, a right enumerated in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
I read that this morning on the NEWS.
This will be an interesting precedent case how he deals with constitutional matters but this is only the beginning.
He does not have that much control yet. A lot needs to be replaced.
He won't stop appealing until he gets what he wants for the 'national security and protection' of his country.
Last edited by Uncle Fester; 24-01-25 at 05:44 PM.
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Commiserations....and you better get you capslock key checked ~ I get these links in email, from my seppo mate living in TX ...I read that this morning on the NEWS.
...he sent me this today...(needless to say, he isn't a Trump supporter =)
enf (29-01-25),lsemmens (29-01-25),Uncle Fester (29-01-25)
I think there is a bigger threat to America and the World in general, and that would be the collapse of the American dollar as a world currency
Much closer to happening than anyone thinks
America has a 35 trillion dollar debt and still growing (mainly because they bailed the American Banks out at the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, maybe they should have let them fail?)
Eventually like a normal person who has no chance of paying their debts they will be declared bankrupt, or in their case, the world will choose a new world currency maybe based on Precious metals like gold.
Also because America started using the Dollar as a weapon against countries they do not like, e.g. sanctions against Russia etc ... which didn't work
China Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia are now trying to set up a new world currency in case they are targeted by the dollar as a weapon.
And because the Dollar is now basically only worth the paper it is written on, and has huge debts, it is basically worthless
China is also buying up gold and silver and precious metals around the world, as a basis of basing a new currency on, like you could change your currency for value in gold, like the US currency used to be before 1972,
If the Dollar does fall and China and its friends do take over as a world currency, it will cause a lot of changes around the world.
America a banana republic ? ... maybe
Last edited by OSIRUS; 29-01-25 at 08:11 AM.
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Uncle Fester (29-01-25)
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...speaking personally, and as far as I am concerned (I'm not a US citizen), I take US politics about as seriously as I take this YT vid...
....and really, I can't discern that much has changed this time around...almost a decade later =)
The fact that there's a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven says a lot about the anticipated traffic flow.
Don't worry about your caps lock mate. If they can't handle a few CAPITOL LETTER LINES... *** BOLD IT, UNDERLINE IT, AND THROW IN A COUPLE OF ASTERISKS TO GIVE IT SOME OOMPH.. ***
Apart from the fact that it is more difficult to read, the only ones that whinge about it are fossils from the old IRC days... OOOOOOOHHHH YOU'RE SHOUTING AT ME... LOL
enf (29-01-25),lsemmens (30-01-25),Uncle Fester (29-01-25),wotnot (30-01-25)
...therein lies the problem ~ to some, it's absolutely everything =)The "salute" for want of something better to call it means nothing...it could be anything.
So the great Dump just dumped his core policy of his campaign to MAGA from one day to the next.
All of a sudden it was just only about fentanyl, where Mexico and Canada instantly agree to comply in the next 30 days.
Has he now betrayed his fans?
...and who could be this Dump whisperer?
Interesting will be China who denies having anything to do with fentanyl butmight still agree to take measuresto block export (and the ingredients to make it) to avoid tariffs, which would imply that they admit do having an issue with fentanyl !
Then we still have Europe, no fentanyl issues mentioned but... oh yeah, they treatthe USAHUMPTY DUMPTY badly.
In the mean time this is a very interesting read how Dumpty might get past the 22nd Amendment if he lines up his ducks correctly, which he is already in the act of doing at record pace:
To save time scroll straight down to the 'Options'
Particularly Option 2 (the Putin-Medvedev Scenario) but all four have somewhat 'merit'.
He has impulsively already tried option 4 but this time he will have leant from his mistakes and he has 4 years to prepare.
Edit: China's response with 15% tariffs on coal from the USA should mean more cheap coal exports to China from us. Hope our local shareholders eventually have the brains to figure that out, instead of dumping our shares every time the Great Dump signs something with his nasty huge black pen.
Last edited by Uncle Fester; 04-02-25 at 07:49 PM.
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Trump reminds me of the Terrahawks puppets.... probably Yung-Star ...with Elon Musk cast in the role of Cy-Star....even the chronology is very similar (albeit one has to be aware of the Terrahawks mythology =)
....I was hoping Leonard French was going to cover this ~ good, concise, knowledgeable and unbiased examination of the facts...you know, the exact opposite of what appears in the -*NEWS*- ...
...it's likely a droll watch unless you're someone like me who enjoys examining the actualities of legalese ... so if you want to skip the nitty gitty, jump to the summary at the end @28:45 ~ it is so on point..
enf (06-02-25),Uncle Fester (06-02-25)