
Trying to get the DreamboxPlugin working in CSP 0.9.1 r44!

Have the default config installed in my Proxy.xml

    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.LoggingPlugin" enabled="false">
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DcwFilterPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="dcwfilterplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.ProviderIdentPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="provideridentplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.IrdetoPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="irdetoplugin.jar"/>
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DreamboxPlugin" enabled="false" jar-file="dreamboxplugin.jar">
       <check-interval>5</check-interval> <!-- the starting interval downloaded installers will be configured for -->
         <frontend-host>hello12345.dyndns.org</frontend-host> <!-- external hostname boxes will be accessing via -->
         <frontend-port>8083</frontend-port> <!-- external port (remove to use same as listen port -->
         <log-file rotate-count="5" rotate-max-size="2048">log/agent-web-access.log</log-file> <!-- remove to disable -->         
       <agent-sshd enabled="true"> <!-- starting the sshd requires java6 or newer -->
         <tunnel-port-range start="2323" count="10"/> <!-- allow clients to open remote tunnel endpoints for these ports -->
but everytime I try enable the plugin by setting the below from False to True:

<plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DreamboxPlugin" enabled="false" jar-file="dreamboxplugin.jar">
I get an Error pop up saying:

Any Ideas?

Cheers James9813