Unfortunately I dont have a current photo for these, they were both awarded to the same person and I have had them researched with the soldiers info ( he was an infantry machine gunner ) and citations for them below. Citations in bold

1. Award card

Order booklet B 159181

1. Last name: Ovsyukov

2. Name and Patrionymic: Mikhail Evdokimovich

3. Rank: Junior Sergeant

4. Sex: Male

5. Birthyear: 1904

6. Birthplace: Grigorevskii Selsovet, Amvrosievskii Region, Stalin Oblast
7. Party Membership: n/a

8. Education: elementary

9. Nationality: Ukrainian

10. Service in the Red Army: October 1943-August 1945

11. Place of service and duty position at time of awarding: 336 Rifle Regiment, 126 Rifle Division, 54 Rifle Corps, 3 Belorussian Front - machinegunner

12. Place of service and duty position at the current time: Stalin Oblast, Amvrosievskii Region, Grigorevskii Selsovet, Collective Farm #518 – collective farm worker

13. Home of Record: Same

14. Awards

Award Serial Number Awarder

Bravery Medal 902.452 690 Rifle Regiment dated 13.3.1944

Red Banner 173.556 4 Ukrainian Front dated 11.5.44

OPW I 191.091 54 Rifle Corps dated 6.5.1945

Verified 27 May 1946

2. Award card

A second award card dated 30 May 1947 captures the above information, but includes 2 Guards Army as being under 3 Belorussian Front, not 4 Ukrainian Front. The 2 Guards Army served earlier under 4 Ukrainian Front, then shifted to 3 Belorussian Front late in the war. It also adds Bravery Medal #2.955.776 awarded by the 126 Rifle Division dated 19.4.44. It also specifies the dates of service as 9 October 1943 through 21 August 1945.

3. Award Citation

Award Sheet

Order 03/N of the Commander, 690 Rifle Regiment, 126 Gorlov Red Banner Rifle Division, 2 Guards Army 18 March 1944.

On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme soviet USSR, I award the Bravery Medal to:

22. Rifleman Private Mikhail Evdokimovich Ovsyukov, 4 Rifle Company, 2 Rifle Battalion, who on 18 October 1944 in fighting for Melitopol displayed exceptional bravery and courage. Under a hurricane of enemy fire he got himself into position and destroyed with grenades a heavy machinegun and three Germans. During the defense he daily kept watch on the enemy and while on watch destroyed two Germans.

Born 1904, Ukrainian, non-party member, in Red Army since 1943, inducted by Grigorevskii Regional Military Commisariat (Stalin Oblast). Home of record: Stalin Oblast, Amrosievskii Region, village of Grigorevka.

Signed Commander, 690 Rifle Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Brodskii

4. Award Citation

Award Sheet

1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Ovsyukov, Mikhail Evdokimovich

2. Rank: Private
3. Duty position: Machinegunner – Light Machinegun, 2 Rifle Battalion, 690 Rifle Regiment, 126 Gorlov Red Banner Rifle Division, 2 Guards Army

Application for the Order of Glory II Class

4. Birthyear: 1904

5. Nationality: Ukrainian
6. Party Membership: n/a
7. Time in the Combat: SW, Caucasian, and 4 Ukrainian Fronts since 1941
8. Wounds or contusions: n/a
9. In Red Army: since 1941
10. Inducted by: Stalin Oblast, Amrosievskii Regional Military Commissariat
11. Earlier awards: n/a
12. Home of record: Stalin Oblast, Amrosievskii Region, village of Grigorevka

Short description of personal combat feat or service

On 8 April 1944 in fighting for the city of Armyansk after losing his assistant gunner, Comrade Ovsyukov moved from his firing position and delivered deadly fire on the counterattacking enemy while the enemy opened fire upon our attacking infantry. Comrade Ovsyukov selected a convenient position for observing the enemy and delivered confident and accurate fire. In this engagement Comrade Ovsyukov suppressed two enemy heavy machineguns and moving into the enemy rear, destroyed an enemy mortar crew of five Germans, thus permitting our units to advance with no further losses.

He is deserving of the Order of Glory II Class.

Signed Commander, 690 Rifle Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Brodskii on 18 April 1944

118 Heavy Howitzer Twice Red Banner Artillery Brigade, 6 MAD, RGK, Colonel Recommended downgrade to Bravery Medal by Commander, 126 Gorlov Red Banner Rifle Division Hero of the Soviet Union General-Major Ka(?) in April 1944

Awarded the Bravery Medal by Order 016 of the 126 Rifle Division dated 19 April 1944.