diggertrev (27-07-14)
Do you have the manual for the positioner?
If yes, follow the instructions.
If no, contact Phoenix Technology Group and they'll send you one.
You'll also need to configure your receiver to control the positioner.
Instructions for that will be in your receiver manual.
diggertrev (27-07-14)
That model has its own remote control unit (RCU).
Did you use the RCU to change to a different satellite with your old receiver?
If so, the positions stored in the positioner which worked satisfactorily with the old receiver, should not need to be changed with the new Strong SRT-4330. Simply follow the old procedure to set the dish to the satellite of interest and then use the SRT-4330's "blind scan" function to load all available channels after you have set the LNB frequency (see the SRT-4330 installation menu - read the supplied manual), to 5150 MHz (5.15GHz).
If you don't know how to use the blind scan function, read the manual.
Try Google to find the positioner manual or contact Phoenix Technology.
diggertrev (27-07-14)
Will it do VAST ?
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